Arguments and Attempts to be an Awarenivore

Arguments and Attempts to be an Awarenivore

August 28, 2009

Tomato's hit by blight - Slow death or green food


I have about 35 shiny green tomatoes sitting out on my deck, that about 30 minutes ago were happily hanging from their stems - their spotted, crispy-leafed stems.

A week or so ago, a friend came by and as I was bragging about how many tomatoes were on my vines, he casually asked if we had any blight problems, since so many people do. I did not then, but I swear, the next morning, leaves were yellow. Then brown, then I saw a nasty tomato. So today, I picked my beautiful (?) fruit.

What did we do before we had the internet to answer all of our questions?

I had been planning on months of home-made tomato sauce to carry me through winter, but it looks like the next week will be filled with green tomato recipes.

Two that I will certainly be trying:

Fried green tomatoes with buttermilk dressing

Green tomato soup with ham or bacon

I think these two are a good addition to my localvore challenge menu for September!



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